Gemm is able to meet the multiple demands of the global market thanks to the high quality of its products, constant investment in research and development and the use of the latest technology.
"Since 1999 we have managed everyday challenges with professionalism, enthusiasm and determination"
Leader of the refrigeration world in efficiency and design
Flagship of GEMM is the ability to develop and build state-of-the-art refrigeration systems, evaluating every single aspect: structure, thermo-dynamic plant, finishes and technical details, using the most advanced technologies.Look at the range of GEMM food refrigeration systems, designed and manufactured specifically for the professional food industry such as kitchens, laboratories and, more generally, everything relating to professional catering. GEMM refrigeration systems are state-of-the-art, modern and design and have already been installed throughout Italy and abroad, for all the most important food sectors: catering, ice cream, pastry, bakery and pizzeria.
Design and Innovation
GEMM worldwide
Thanks to its expertise and technical capabilities, GEMM is present in Italy and more than 70 countries worldwide
Over the years GEMM has continuosly introduced its product to new countries in search of Italian design and technology, thus arriving in all major markets, even the most distant such as the Far East, Oceania, Africa and Latin America.
Our products are distributed in Italy and abroad via a widespread and well- organized network of dealers chosen among the most qualified and established in the sector, thus ensuring product reliability and after-sales service.

Progetto finanziato
con il POR FESR
Regione del Veneto
Competitività dei sistemi produttivi

Progetto finanziato
con il POR FESR
Regione del Veneto
Investimenti a favore della crescita
e dell’occupazione

Progetto finanziato
con il POR FESR
2014 – 2020
Regione del Veneto
Bando POR 3.4.2 – Gemm Over the country